August 2020 Update
New Children of God!
This month we had the wonderful
opportunity to speak at a youth event. As
many of you may know, we used to work
in children’s evangelism before
surrendering to missions. Because of this,
we often get opportunities to do special
events like this. During the event, two
young people accepted Christ as their
Savior! Praise the Lord! That is exactly
why we do what we are doing. We are
humbled and thankful that God sees fit to
use us in small ways to reach people for
Him. Please pray for these young people
as they begin their walk with the Lord.
Exciting News!
We bought our tickets for November 17th!!
Praise God for bringing us to this exciting
time in deputation! Each week we are
hearing of new supporters and that is such
a huge answer to our prayers. We are so
very humbled by the way God has
answered our prayers in spite of all that is
happening in our world today. We thank
you all, too, for your faithfulness in
reaching the world with the Gospel. God
has been SO good to us!
Ordained to the Ministry
I had the privilege of being ordained into
the ministry by our home church this
month. It was a really sweet and encouraging time with our pastor and church family. We are very blessed to be a part of
what God is doing through Vision Baptist Church.
A New Transition
We are so excited about the many
upcoming changes in our lives. We know
God has big things in store for the
Taiwanese people and we cannot wait to
see His plan unfold. As we begin this,
would you please pray with us for a few
• Our needed paperwork and visas to
go fast and smooth.
• Once we arrive, we will spend two
years in language school studying
Mandarin Chinese. Please pray that
we can learn quickly.
• That God would continue to provide
more supporters and allow us to leave
with all that we need.
We are truly grateful for the prayers and
support from so many of you. We know
that without God’s hand, nothing would be
accomplished through us. We praise Him
and thank you for allowing Him to use you!
Yours for Reaching Taiwan,
Adam, Ashley, & Anna Walz